Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions The exhaustive list of frequently asked questions and answers related to the XSEED SuperTeacher App. Troubleshooting Using XSEED TestMaker Troubleshooting Troubleshooting a Questions are not chosen from all the Blocks selected. This is a known issue and our development team is currently working on resolving the matter. Permalink a The same questions are repeated in the same question paper. This is a known issue and our development team is currently working on…


FAQs Videos Sign In/Register Search TestMaker ! Get Started Using XSEED Universal for the first time? This list of video guides and step-by-step instructions will help you to get started. Video Library A collection of videos on all topics related to the revolutionary XSEED Universal App, ranging from the basic signup process to feature-specific walkthroughs. FAQs The exhaustive list of frequently asked questions and answers related to the XSEED TestMaker. Guides Explore videos and step-by-step…