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How to prepare for your class using the XSEED SuperTeacher App
Welcome to the XSEED SuperTeacher App! The video and step-by-step instructions below will walk you through how to
prepare for your lesson in Teacher’s View, or teacher’s preparation, mode.

On the Home Page, you will find the grades and subjects you are teaching. For example, if you are only teaching grade 5 English, you will only see grade 5 English on the home page.
You can click on a particular grade and subject to view all the Blocks and their respective lesson plans. For example, in grade 5 mathematics, Block 16 is Perimeter and Area, and Lesson Plan 1 (or LP 1) of that Block is Finding the Perimeter.

Tap on a given lesson plan to open it. Please note, you will be preparing for your class using the XSEED SuperTeacher App before actually teaching it. The view that opens when the lesson is tapped on is designed for that preparation, and is called the Teacher’s View.
At the very top, you can find the Teacher Summary of the whole lesson. The XSEED Method is given, with all 5 steps, from Aim all the way to Assessment.

You can read the aim and check off the resources in the checklist once you have gotten them ready.
Next you will see the keywords for the lesson. You can click on a particular keyword to see its definition. You can also click on the speaker icon to hear the keyword and its definition read aloud.

Below the keywords, you will find the Action section, with clear steps laid out for you to do in class.

All resource images can be clicked and opened in the app. You can pinch and zoom with two fingers.

The Action section of the lesson plan may have a video included in it. Click on the play button to watch the video before your class.

Step 10
Next is the Analysis section, which has questions to guide the discussion. It has 3 parts: the Activity Discussion, Generalized Discussion, and Higher Order Thinking Discussion. Each part has a key question and a summary explanation.

After Analysis comes the Application section, where you can find the student worksheet. You can click on the worksheet to open it. You can zoom in to read each of the 3 questions, which start with a basic question and move to higher order thinking for question 3.

Differentiation Tips in the Application section guide you on how to help students who are struggling and give extra challenge to those who finish early.

Homework for further practice is given in the app as well.

Next is the Assessment section, where you can see the approaching, meeting, and exceeding rubrics that describe what students at each level should be able to do. You can also check the answers for the worksheet, by clicking on the Check button.