The school may register for the parents, but they must enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). They will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those - however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.
Please log in: using your old credentials. If a student has already registered please do not register again.
Yes, the parents can register more than one child using the same number. However, they have to use two different unique access keys, one for each child.
Go to and enter the mobile/email used to register for Universal. Your details will appear and can be edited. To change your mobile number, contact your school's administrator.
Parents need to register by going to or by scanning the QR code provided in the book pack. They will have to enter all the required details and link themselves with the child's school using the access key provided by the school. A step by step guide to registration is available at NOTE: Parents need to register online FIRST before the mobile app will work. They can download the mobile app without having…
Please login to using your old credentials. Link you existing XSEED ID with unique access key received from the school.
Yes, the parents can register more than 1 child using the same number. However you have to use two different unique access keys for each child.
A parent can simply download the XSEED Universal app from the Play Store (for Android devices) or App store (for iOS devices), complete the registration, and begin using the app. This page shows the step-by-step process on how to download the app and log in.
A parent can simply download the XSEED Universal app from the Play Store (for Android devices) or the App store (for iOS devices), complete the registration, and begin using the app. This page shows the step-by-step process on how to download the app and log in.
XSEED Universal is an app that connects your school, teachers, and parents, on mobile or on desktop. To learn more about XSEED Universal and its powerful features, click here.