You can download the full list of registered students of every grade of your school from the School Settings section in the Management Zone in XSEED Universal. This list also identifies, as of date, the students who are yet to take the test, as well as those who have successfully taken the test.
This can happen if the timezone on the computer on which the user made the changes on Universal School Settings is incorrect. The correct time zone is UTC +5.30 hrs. Click here for more information on how to check and modify a computer's date and time settings.
The school may register for the parents, but they must enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). They will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those - however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.
No. The test timer starts only after the Practice Test is completed. An additional 2-5 minutes should be set aside for instructions and the Practice Test.
While options within each question and question order may be randomized, the same questions are used for all students to ensure fairness.
No. The Practice Test is a short tutorial designed to be taken immediately before the Learnometer Test, which guides students how to answer the actual Learnometer Test questions. The Practice Test is part of the instructions for the official test and cannot be done independently of it.
Schools can get the full list of registered students using their school admin login, from either of these two locations: 1) The School Settings section of the Management Zone in XSEED Universal, or 2) from the admin login on Learnometer. For more help, you can call up the XSEED Customer Care at 1800-102-7200.
The school may register for the parents, but the school must also enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). The school will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those - however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.
Please call XSEED Customer Care immediately at 1800 102 7200 to help you with this.
Please check your Internet Connection. If it is slow, it may take some time to download the visuals.