If you do not receive an OTP, wait at least a minute before requesting another one. In case you've made multiple requests, please enter the latest OTP received. If the error persists, please write to us at contact@xseededucation.com.
Please check your mobile number and country code. It is normal for the OTP to take up to a minute to arrive. If you still do not receive an OTP, please click here to raise a request or write to us at contact@xseededucation.com.
Please click here to raise a request or write to us at contact@xseededucation.com.
You can refer to this help video that explains the registration process: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ek7X_YG2q0Ypovy7shYFt3hW-fKiuS4j/view Step 1 - If your child does not already have an XSEED ID, go to https://register.xseededucation.com/ and enter your XSEED User Code (The user code is written on the Universal Access Card, which you would have received with your XSEED Bookpack. If you do not have the access card handy, use UN7T9W2). Complete the registration process to get an XSEED ID. Step…
1. Click on "Create Announcement". 2. Select recipients, and chage the "Announcement Type" to "Homework". 3. Write the subject line and the message to describe the homework, and add an attachment if any. 4. Select the due date and time. 5. Hit "Send" to deliver to students instantly.
1. Click on "Student Information" the from left menu options. 2. Select the grade and section to see the student list. 3. Use the 3 buttons on the right of each student record to add remarks, photos, or certificates. You can add as many remarks, photos, and/or certificates as you want.
Yes. Please note, however, that in this case the number will be linked to the parent's profile, and the student's mobile number will be left blank.
No, each student should have a unique mobile number. However, if a student has NO mobile number, this field can simply be left blank.
1. Click on "Create Announcement". 2. Select "Recipient" and "Announcement Type". 3. Write the subject and the message, and hit "Send".
Teachers can self-sign-up on SuperTeacher and apply their User Code, which will automatically give them access to Universal too.