How can I add a new section in Grades? (Teachers/Admin)

1. Click on the Bee icon on Universal. 2. Go to "Settings"- Click "Manage Class" - Click on the "+" icon against the grade. 3. Click on Edit Section to set the Name of the section. 4. Save the request.

How can I add a new or different subject? (Teachers/Admin)

1. Click on the Bee icon on Universal. 2. Go to "Settings" and click "Manage Subject" and then "Academic or co-scholastic". 3. Select "Grade", and click on Add Subject and select the subject from the drop-down menu. 4. Save the request.

I don’t have access to my class and subject. (Teachers)

1. Click on the Bee icon on Universal. 2. Go to "View Profile" and click "Manage Allotments". 3. Click "Add new allotment". Select "Role", "Subject", "Class" and "Grades". 4. Submit the request for Admin approval.