Yes, all of this data will be available in the Management Zone in Universal.
There is no "trial" version of the app. The TechOps team will set up a demo school with sample content, which can be seen/used by the XSEED users. That can also be used to demo to the schools. Schools do not get any trial version which they can use themselves.
The School can choose to create report cards of their choice for any of the grade for which they have taken XSEED Solution, including the Early Program grades as well.
The XSEED Bookpack will have Admit Cards for Universal and Learnometer. The Admit Cards will have MRP printed on them.
All announcements sent by the school will be available on the platform forever, even previous year announcements.
No, this feature is currently not available.
The parent can decide, when replying, to make the response "Private" or "Public". Making it "Private" will show the response only to the teacher or the creator of the announcement. Making it "Public" will show the response to all readers of the announcement.
XSEED Universal eases the communication and engagement of parents by giving them constant update on student performance. The coherent reporting allows school and parents to help student learn better.
There's unlimited storage/data capacity to store data on Universal.
The Progress Report in XSEED Early Program captures student performance against the key Learning Outcome as mentioned in the curriculum. However School is free to design their report cards on Universal as per the parameters they choose.