Frequently Asked Questions

The exhaustive list of frequently asked questions and answers related to the XSEED Learnometer Test.

Registration and Sign Up

Students can get an XSEED ID after their parents register on

Please go to to register your child. Registration is a quick and easy process, which is explained in a step-by-step manner in this video.

Please use the Universal User Code (UN7T9W2) to register. This is a common code for all. Please collect the access key for Universal from the school. The access key is unique for each student.

You need not provide the User Code to the parent because the User Code is already given in the registration weblink. Parents need to click on the small key ‘Click for XSEED User Code’ to know the User Code.

Please give another unused access key to the parent from the list of access keys sent to the school. Or, call the XSEED Customer Care at 1800 102 7200.

Yes, you can use only your mobile number. After entering your mobile number, you will receive an OTP in your mobile number to complete the registration.

No, you need not register again. This is a one-time registration and the XSEED ID can be used for all future Learnometer tests.

Please do not register again. The school will have the XSEED ID of your child.

Please inform the school immediately. The school (XSEED Coordinator/School Admin) can correct the grade and section of the student in the admin login of Universal or Learnometer.

You should inform the school immediately. The school will find your child’s details from the admin login of Universal or Learnometer and remove the extra registration.

The User Code is already given in the registration weblink. Please click on the key ‘Click for XSEED User Code’. The User Code will appear on screen. Enter it in the blank row.

Yes, it is the same as both will give you the XSEED ID for your child. We suggest you register using the Universal User Code. It will help you stay connected on Universal with the school and get faster and useful information about your child from the school.

The school will receive an email with the list of Learnometer access keys. These access keys are to be shared with every parent or student – 1 access key for 1 student.

Please call the XSEED Customer Care at 1800 102 7200. They will help you right away.

The school may register for the parents, but the school must also enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). The school will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those – however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.

Schools can get the full list of registered students using their school admin login, from either of these two locations: 1) The School Settings section of the Management Zone in XSEED Universal, or 2) from the admin login on Learnometer. For more help, you can call up the XSEED Customer Care at 1800-102-7200.

The school may register for the parents, but they must enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). They will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those – however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.

If you still have any questions, please click on the contact button

 We will get back to you with the answer as soon as possible!

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