"In your profile page, first select the subject, and then choose all the grades you want access to. Teachers can choose a maximum of 6 subject / grade combinations at a time. You can always edit your subject / grade combinations at any time in your profile. Please note, for pre-primary grades, you only need to select the grade level under the ""Early Childhood"" subject to get access to ALL subjects for that grade."
Our Early Childhood program is integrated and thematic, with Day Plans that include all subjects. Therefore it is treated as a single, separate subject. Please choose the subject "Early Childhood" to access to all Lesson Plans for pre-primary grades (e.g., Nursery, Lower/Junior Kindergarten, and (Upper) Kindergarten).
By default you get only access to a maximum of 6 grade/subject combinations. If you need more, please click here or write to us at contact@xseededucation.com.
You can have access to a maximum of 6 grade/subject combinations at a given time. You can change this at your convenience to get access to any grade/subject you need to view.
"XSEED currently provides access for 3 early childhood grades and Grades 1-8. Grades 9 and higher are not available. The subjects available in all countries are English, Mathematics, and Science. Environmental Science and Social Science are available only in India. Hindi will be made available soon in India as well."