Log in to your account using your registered email or phone number. Click on the Profile icon in the bottom right corner, select "My Account" to edit your details.
Log in to your account using your registered email or phone number. Go to your profile, select "Link Family," and view the child's profile. Select Edit button on top right corner to edit their details.
No. Children studying in different XSEED schools must be registered under separate accounts with different email id or mobile number.
Log in to your account using your registered email or phone number. Navigate to your profile, select "Link Family," and add the details of another child.
Please write to us at contact@xseededucation.com.
A parent can simply download the XSEED Universal app from the Play Store (for Android devices) or the App store (for iOS devices), complete the sign-up process, and begin using the app. This page provides the step-by-step process on how to download the app and log in.
Please download the app via the App Store or Google Play Store.
The Parent app is exclusively available on mobile devices and cannot be accessed from a computer.
Please update the app via the App Store or Google Play Store to access the latest features.
For android phones - you can try to clear the storage data of the app from your phone settings. For iphones - you can try to re-install the app. Now login and you should see the difference. Your device could be an older one. Try using a higher configuration mobile. If the issue persists, please write to us at contact@xseededucation.com.