Yes, videos can be uploaded for each student in the Activity section.
Yes, this is possible. Timetables can be created for each grade and section. Template is common for a grade (Template includes no of periods, timings of the periods, and no of breaks). Subjects to be taught in each period can be customized per section.
The school may register for the parents, but they must enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). They will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those - however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.
Learnometer practice questions are given at the end of each Block on SuperTeacher for teachers and are provided regularly on Universal for parents. These are highly recommended as practice for the Learnometer exam. Schools may opt to use these questions all together as a practice test or share them individually with students. Sample reports are not available.
If the post test has been completed, the certificate will be available for download anytime by going to the training in the XSEED Academy tab and selecting the "Certificate" section.
Teachers receive a Certificate of Participation for completing the post test for any Follow Up Training. Those who score well receive Honourary Distinction on their certificate.
A super admin can change access levels for other admins.
The Learnometer Report is a 3-page report that features subject scores, an interpretation, and progress over time. You may see sample reports on Universal Demo School.
Any version of MSWord will allow teachers to download the .doc versions of question papers. However, it is recommended to use MSWord 2016 and above.
This feature is planned to be added by Jan 2023.