Sections can be added or removed by using the Manage Sections option in the settings of the Universal SIS. Please see this video and guide for more details on this.
The Exam Plan is the structure showing how the marks or grades scored by a student throughout the year, for various types of assessments, roll up to the final report card of the full year's performance of the student. The module to create such an exam plan is available within the All Products>Records>Exam Plan section of the Universal SIS. Default exam plans are already built into the system to edit as needed. Please see this…
Any subject, whether XSEED or non-XSEED, can be added in SIS to add to the school's report card. This is done using the "Manage Subjects" module in the settings section of SIS. Please see this guide and video for more details on this.
Parents can interact with teachers using the comments section in the announcements. They can also respond to specific remarks for their ward in the Remarks section in the Student Information Zone.
Yes, this can be done as part of a Homework announcement on Universal. A teacher can give questions or screenshots of images from SuperTeacher in Universal announcements for students to view at home.
Custom templates for report cards can be created in the Universal SIS settings, in the Manage Reports module, by clicking on the "Create Report" button and following the next steps. Please see the guide and video for more details on this.
Yes, Report Cards may be downloaded as PDFs and printed at the discretion of the school.
Yes, videos can be uploaded for each student in the Activity section.
The school may register for the parents, but they must enter one contact detail to validate each parent (mobile or email). They will therefore need to be in touch with the parent to get the OTP. Schools may create official school mail ids for each student and register using those - however, the parents will need access to these email ids to access Universal later.
The current year is displayed in the top, right corner of the Universal screen. Click on the year and choose the previous year from the drop-down menu. Ths feature is not available to newly registered schools.